Gathered Together Like Bookends....
Old friends, old friends.....
I’ve spent the past two days at the Oceanology conference and exhibition at the Excel Centre in London’s Docklands. Oceanology is a biennial gathering of the clans. I’ve attended pretty much all of them since 1984. In those days, it was held in Brighton, and was incredibly amateur and rustic in comparison with this week’s corporate glitz.
It’s a chance for marine sector companies, large and small, to parade their wares, and also a chance to catch up with many old friends, acquaintances, adversaries etc., etc.
Back in 1984, I was starry eyed and full of excitement about this wonderful industry that I somehow found myself working in (how that happened is another story!). These days, I’m a little more wizened and worldly wise, but still have some sense of awe about the technologies associated with working in the world’s oceans, and a strong sense of common interest with my fellow applied oceanographers. How is it that I haven’t been found out for drawing a wage each month for the past 37 years doing all this interesting stuff?
Of course it’s not all a seabed of current roses. Over the years there has been all sorts of corporate stuff , industry change (I nearly said evolution but I don’t think that’s always the correct description) and market volatility. Thankfully, I’m still standing! I’ve gone from enthusiastic graduate to one approaching the status of ‘Barbe Gris’ in the blink of an eye.
So many experiences, so many interesting projects, so much travel, so many people - terriers, tigers, team players, treasurers (bean counters, good, bad and dull), techie boffins, toadies, tyrants, tragics, theatrical types (egotists, fantasists, cloud walkers and downright crazies) and the trusted and treasured special few with whom I’ve greatly enjoyed the journey.
Oceanology is a chance to catch up with them all, and also to take stock and reflect on the past, present and future. A lot of Sverdrups have flowed around the global ocean since I attended my first Oceanology.....
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